Monday 10 November 2008

The Links Effect.

Have you linked to me? Probably not as I've not linked to you, but I will do - one day.

See I've had up and running now long enough to warrant a links page, which I have. It's over there in the menu bar, see it. Good. Only don't click it yet as it's still...

Oh. Someone clicked it. Now we all have to wait until they come back. Great.



I'm sorry about this.


*Looks at clock on phone*



Aha, you're back. Yes I know there's nothing there, I was about to say that it's under construction. You would have heard that if you hadn't gone gallivanting off on your own. Now sit down, and stop pulling faces.

Now where were we? That's right. My links page is under construction and could do with a few links. So I'm asking you guys to hook me up with a banner and an url and I'll stick you up a link. In return I'll expect the same from you.



Oh what now? No. You can't go to the toilet, you should have gone before the blog.




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