Monday 6 July 2009

Of Tapeworms and Sequels.

After being promised it about the same time as Vanilla Ice was popular (yeah, THAT week) I've finally received a rather entertaining script about a tapeworm and a young boy who be befriends. I can't say too much more about it yet, as the writer will kill me.

He'd do it too, these writers can get nasty.

Which reminds me, it won't be long now until my second book is out. As we speak the cover is in the good hands of Jim Keplinger who is magicing up some fancy lettering for me. Once "Kep!" has done the deed all systems will be go for the launch. So be sure to keep an eye on this blog for more news on that as and when it happens.

Also, through the wonder of Facebook, today I hear that my cousin is now working as a professional artist.

Great. More competition.


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